Yesterday I stood up in front of a room of middle schoolers who were stuffing their faces with waffles and told them the biblical account of Balaam and his talking donkey. The key takeaway I shared with them? We don’t always see what God is doing behind the scenes, but we can trust Him no matter what happens- even if things don’t go as planned (Numbers 22-23).
A few hours later I was sitting in an emergency room with my sweet 11 week old babe, holding him as he cried to the pinching and poking of IVs, a catheter and multiple mouth swabs. After a temporary diagnosis of Influenza A, possible UTI and possible pneumonia, we were in an ambulance on our way to Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital.
This day did not go as planned, and I surely do not know why my sweet boy has to go through all of this, but I do know one thing to be true, that I can trust that God is working in it all. Friends and family reaching out to support us, two employers who graciously allow Ethan and me to be by our baby’s side and an incredible team of doctors taking the best care of our Mini Coop all remind me of the faithfulness of the God whom we serve.
Cooper’s fever has broken and his body is responding well to the medications they have given him. We are able to snuggle him 24/7 and have high hopes of being released with a clean bill of health within 24 hours.
I hate this. I hate seeing my baby hurting. I hate seeing him hooked up to machines. I hate not knowing what is going on in his little body. I hate being away from my other two babies.
I love Jesus. I love knowing He is holding Cooper. I love that He has given men and women brilliant minds to develop technology to monitor his body. I love that my husband gets to sit beside me. I love that our doctor has a Grove City connection. I love how God shows up in the biggest and smallest ways to reassure us that even when our eyes can’t see the whole picture, He has painted it and is the author of the story that is unfolding in our lives.
As I sit here typing this, my Spotify is on shuffle and Great is Thy Faithfulness began to play. Truer words have never been spoken. New mercies appear in the morning thanks to God’s unfailing faithfulness.
Thank you to all who have reached out, prayed and cared for our family over the past 24 hours. Your support means more than we could ever express. Thank you.